Top 5 Types Of Coffee Drinkers
|By Sahej Kaur|
Coffee as a drink is truly loved by all. Coffee has become an important part of our lifestyles. Unbelievably, 80% of the population drinks coffee every day as a part of their daily routine. A hot and steamy cup of milk or water having some roasted coffee beans with strong and appealing aroma and smooth cream gathered on the top of the cup on a cold windy day is all we wish. However, a cup of coffee is not just, what we are talking about. The drinker or the owner of the hot and foamy tonic is what we are talking about. There are five types of coffee drinkers all around the busy globe. Which one are you?
1. The instant drinkers:
No doubt, that it has certain bits and falls but it surely does not bring a bit of substance to it at all. For your elegant crap, the instant drinkers are totally indulged and occupied with their hot water infused with coffee. These people usually look forward to instant coffee, which hardly takes any time to get prepared. They are often titled as LAIDBACKS Or WOKERBEE!
2. The Coffee Craftsmen:
These folks try to camouflage the flavour of coffee by adding some whipped and condensed cream altogether with some seasonal chocolate ganache or caramel syrup. Sadly, the result is often akin to a milkshake. This category try to craft their coffee with certain new and weird combinations, fancy coatings and garnishing and what not! They are often titled as PERFECTIONISTS!
3. Weird consumers:
No sugar, foam and no candy coating lashings, coffee is not coffee. These folks drink lattes, espressos, Americanos – and they realize what this means. However, cappuccino drinkers are extremely sociable and yet at times have the tenancy to be controlling. They are often titled as MINIMALISTS or SOPHISTICATES!
4. Frappuccino Fanatics
The cup holds more milk and sugar than real coffee. Such people must simply buy themselves a coffee flavoured milkshake. This group is more engrossed and laid back coffee drinker’s kind. These folks look forward to enjoying the milk and whipped cream more than the coffee itself. They are often titled as
5. Thirsty Zombies
Addicts just do not like the flavour of coffee because they need it to survive. They are captured generally looking like thirsty zombies, yet after their fifth cup. This category always craves for that one cup of coffee to grab and sit for hours to chitchat while having the foamy tonic. They are often titled as THE ADDICTS.