Self Confidence: A Definite Key To Success
|By- Sahej Kaur|
Do we ever abhor a person who has no or zero self-confidence? Some of you may envy them but most of us fancy a person who has self-confidence. A self-confident person develops a peace in their work and life as well. They inspire others to be trust worthy and confident in every chapter of our life. Believe it or not, these are the most attractive and best trait an individual can possess. In the world full of comparison, challenges and favoritism, it’s not easy to be confident. But, it’s not impossible.
For horde of people, developing self-confidence can be a hard nut to crack but study says that once an individual masters to be confident, he/she never leaves a stone unturned to be totally confident in every facet of their life. Through this article, I would tell you all how to be confident in the most difficult situation too.
Firstly, I would like to tell you that what is self-confidence? And why it is important?
Self-confidence can be defined as the process or ability to trust your own judgments and abilities, regardless of any imperfections or assumptions of what others may think about you. It plays a vital role in enabling people to accept difficult challenges and situations in an efficacious way. It also helps people to develop a quality of self-esteem along with self-efficacy. It also acts as a motivating source. Wondering how? In a society where comparing one personality with another in terms of abilities, qualities, education, standards, it can help others to set fire in them for developing self-confidence. Gaining confidence can act as a key to success for majority.
Here are some tips that can help an introvert or a normal human to develop self-confidence.
Ø Practice communication
People with low self-confidence often find it strenuous to make a good first impression, whether they're meeting a client, addressing a meeting, or giving a presentation. You may be shy or unsure of yourself, but you can take immediate steps to make yourself appear more confident. In this bucket, never fidget or look away while the conversation is taking place.
Ø Take up challenges to test yourself
Yes, it would sound arduous task but yes, it work wonders. Taking up challenges and tasks can help you develop self-confidence swiftly. However, for this, the most outwardly confident person can also find themselves doubting their abilities sometimes but they never give up. Trying to solve a challenge recklessly even after failing numerous times help them to stand out.
Ø Review achievements
Your self-confidence can increase when you're able to say, "I can do this, and here's the evidence." As part of your Personal SWOT Analysis, you'll have identified things that you're good at, based on your past achievements.
Take a book and list at least 10 things you're most proud of in an "achievement log." Perhaps you came top in an important test or exam, played a key role in an important team or project, or did something kind that made a positive difference in someone else's life.
Review these achievements, and use them to make positive affirmations about what you can do. These affirmations can be particularly powerful if you tend to undermine your own confidence with negative self-talk.
Ø Set goals
Setting and achieving goals is an important part of developing self-confidence. Set goals that make the most of your strengths that minimize your weaknesses, that take advantage of your opportunities, and that mitigate the threats you face. Breaking down large goals into smaller steps in this way makes them seem far more attainable. It also allows you to track your progress and reflect on how far you've come already.
Practicing and making these tips as a part of your daily life can help you to develop self-confidence faster. So, I hope at the end of this piece, you come out aware of how to be confident about yourself.