Psychological Health- Why Is It A Major Priority?
|By- Yashvi Pandya|
We are currently living amidst such a dreadful situation that has resulted into man fearing man himself. General stores, pharmacies, hospitals and many other need of the hour outlets have witnessed arguments or fights between people standing in long queues accusing of being touched or being stood too close. The fear of jeopardy is there in each one and the obfuscation keeps rising day by day as the cases prolifically increase. Earthlings now see everything slipping away from their hands, their time, their economic growth and their lives. People have started fearing each and every thing around them including themselves which has brought up a serious issue of fear psychosis.
Psychosis is an abnormal medical condition when an individual’s mind has difficulties to interpret between real and fake. This often leads to hallucinations, insomnia, lack of motivation, and difficulties carrying out daily activities. The most common symptom is schizophrenia.
Psychosis has various branches, one of them being Fear Psychosis or Paranoia which is fear accompanied by heavy anxiety is seen in many patients and citizens across the world due to the Covid-19 fiasco according to the current reports. As clutches of Corona grip around the Earth with the increasing cases around each nook and corner, psychological warfare increases for both patients and doctors. Patients fear to come in contact or get victims of this transmission and get panicked due to seasonal cold or cough rushing to hospitals which are already red zones.
There are many cases that came forward later on, where people started getting hallucinations of being corona victims just because they had to get down for a while to buy basic groceries and then had nightmares of their families getting affected due to them and later on led to suicide due to guilt of spreading the disease to their families even though they weren’t victims of corona themselves.
Fear Psychosis or Corona Psychosis has come out to be an extremely serious issue among people and most victims are already suffering from depression and anxiety which leads to decisions like suicide and panic where even after being tested negative, there have been absurd reports of people washing hands 24 hours, continuously bathing, locking themselves in a room and have been kept on anti-psychotic and antidepressant medication.
“One should try and spend most of their time with family, friends or someone they feel comfortable with as loved ones are a great support and pull the sufferer out of the biggest crisis in life” says a statement of a report by a doctor who was a witness to increasing psychotic disorders due to the pandemic. Apart from the basic safety measures given by the doctors to avoid fear/corona psychosis, ancient Indian methods of Yoga like ‘Pranayama’, ‘Anuloma-Viloma’ and meditation can be beneficial to calm down one’s mind can be practiced. Comedy shows having good humor can be watched to avoid mood swings and anxiety. Healthy discussions on good topics or walking down the memory lanes are also an option to keep the mental health in state.
The nation does suffer from economic, financial and many other crisis that we are privy to but psychological crisis deserves to be put light upon. In the end all is hope and support that one survives on.
Stay Positive, Stay Healthy.